Thursday, August 25, 2011

Book Review: Charmed...

"Charmed" by Nora Roberts

This is the third book in a series of four.

"Her legacy had been as much a curse as a blessing, so Anastasia Donovan had learned to keep it hidden. But when single dad Boone Sawyer swept into her heart, she longed to reveal everything despite her fear of the consequences. Then fate stepped in..."

Another lovely book! The guy is from Indiana... too cool. She is a woman scorned and her heart is on lock down. It was a great book full of twist and turns. I love the back story too. Also it includes the other characters and where they are at in this stage, so it is cool to continue reading about their life. Babies being born ... I found the Epilogue a very satisfying end.

On a side note: I am very interested to read how this fourth book will come in to play... seeing that a new cousin will be introduced.

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