Thursday, March 12, 2009

Egg News

I received a call from M&M yesterday. It is always so great to hear from her! She is getting so excited and so am I!!! They were able to retieve a good number of eggs and from that batch; NINE fertilized!!! Such a great number and amazing how God works. All the knowledge he gave the doctors to help people is just grand! I haven't heard anymore on how those 9 are doing; however I am not worried about it. God has a plan...

Tomorrow we take a drive to Kentucky to pick up my son. Next week is his Spring Break and I am looking forward to having him around. I miss him so much, as I have said numerous times. Saturday I have a job to do that will take a few hours then I will get ready for my photo shoot. Chad will be taking my Finale Photos. I am really excited to see the difference in my b4 and after photos. Not sure that I will post them on here.... maybe.... I will have to wait and see. Then Sunday is the day... the transfer day. Please send up prayers for us as we have the procedure done. M&M will be there with us and I am just so excited. I can't wait to be in the room, looking at the embyos on the monitor and holding M's hand. I am tearing up just thinking of this moment. 'nuf said.


SurroMommy said...

Congratulations and good luck with your transfer today!!

Shantay said...

Thank you girl! They have moved it to Sunday... but I will hang on to those 'good lucks' until then!