Monday, September 28, 2009

Doctor's Appt.

I had a very good appt. today. I am measuring 44 weeks and all my tests came back either the same or good. The doctor is very surprised at how well my body is responding to the bed rest and that my pre-eclampsia hasn't gotten worse. Although I am having more swelling over the last week, I am feeling good. Well, as good as anyone could feel considering I am as big as a house!

The boys are doing well also. A weighs 3 lbs 5 oz. and B weighs 3 lbs 10 oz. All their measurement are on track and the fluids are great! They are; however, both laying sideways in my uterus. LOL I guess we will wait and see if A turns head down to determine if I can have a 'normal' birth.

The count down has begun. 25 days until I travel to Illinois. Max of 6.5 weeks before I deliver.

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