Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Finally posting...

I can't believe it has been almost 2 weeks since I posted. I have logged on and started to post several times; however I wasn't sure how much I wanted to reveal in those moments... so I obviously chose to post nothing.

After several tests, my two wonderful doctors have established I do have PreEclampsia. This can be a dangerous thing. I am on bed rest now and taking it easy. I am a "on the go" type of person so this is a very new concept to me. LOL
My goal is to keep the boys in-utero for as long as I can without my body reacting in a drastic measure. The thought of them being born too soon is frightening for all parties involved. This is enough to stress me out; however I am trying to lean on my faith and the prayer of many to get me though this day by day wait. I am so grateful that the bed rest is helping keep the negative symptoms at bay and allowing me to be home and not in the hospital. The way the doctors have put it, I can go from mild preE to severe preE over night. So keeping that in mind helps me focus on a stress free life. Yes there are still stressors and as you can read in my recent posts.. more in the past month has surfaced and really gotten to me. Yet I am so concerned about these boys that not a lot matters, than keeping my mind calm and them inside to GROW!

This past Monday was my ultrasound and check up. M&M got to be there finally. This is the 1st time I have seen the boys' dad and sister since the day of the transfer on March 15th and the 1st time I have seen the boys' mom since April 9th. It was a great experience for them to finally meet the boys via u/s and to see them kicking and interacting with each other. The appointment was long however they wanted to also do my preE evaluation in the same visit. Once the monitoring was complete, the doctor came in and spoke with us. She was great at answering all the questions M&M had regarding the issue at hand. After the appointment, we enjoyed dinner at Texas Roadhouse where we exchanged gifts. I had got them each a small gift and they also had bought me a few things along with my daughter a few things for school. One of the items for me was a hand made necklace that M & her daughter made. It is beautiful and reverible... what more could a gal want. So Beautiful!!!

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