Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Eating for Three ARTICLE

The good news — you can eat more! The challenge — getting all the nutrients you need.
Sure, you’re more tired, more nauseated, just about more everything since you’re carrying multiples, but there is at least one upside: You’ve got a license to eat! Multiple moms get to indulge in an extra 600 calories a day — doctor’s orders. But before you take that as a free pass to Burritoville (extra guacamole for Baby A; refried beans for Baby B), think again. The quality of what you eat will be just as important as the quantity. In fact, good nutrition during a multiple pregnancy has an even greater impact on baby birth weight than it does during a singleton’s pregnancy.

Even with the best intentions, however, there will definitely be challenges to eating right. As your pregnancy progresses, there will be less and less room in your belly for food. And that’s not metaphorically speaking: Your babies will literally take up space usually inhabited by your stomach and esophagus (hence the heartburn many moms of multiples experience). Since you’ll still have to do your best to eat the foods you and your babies need most, you’ll require a good strategy: Eat several smaller meals a day (petite platefuls take up less room going down but deliver the same nutritional punch at the end of the day). And common sense requires that you choose foods that pack plenty of nutrients into small servings.

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