Wednesday, November 23, 2011


"A Moveable Feast" by Ernest Hemingway

"“If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a movable feast.”
Ernest Hemingway left the world a generous legacy in these sketches of his early life in Paris in the Twenties. So complete is the spell of his art that the four decades between what was done and felt then and what is remembered and written later seem barely to have intervened. Everything is perceived directly through the eyes and ears of the young writer himself living in the pre-dawn of world recognition.
The reader walks with him along the Paris streets, watching fishermen along the Seine or dropping by that Sylvia Beach's to borrow a book; returns with him to the Hemingway's' small apartment on the rue Notre-Dame-des-Champs wit the sawmill in the courtyard below; sits by him in a cafe` while paragraph by paragraph, scarcely looking up, he constructs one of the stories that created a new voice for the literature of our time.
It was a time of hunger and discipline and also one of fulfilment and happiness. We share taut days at the race-track at Enghien and happy, strenuous weeks skiing in the Vorarlberg in Austria. These chapters glow with the joy of recollection.
There are many vivid portraits from memory: Gertrude Stein providing little glasses of liqueurs and impromptu lectures in her apartment on the rue de Fleurus; Ezra Pound learning to box; Ford Madox Ford discoursing on the mysteries of being a gentleman; and a number of others, all profoundly expressive. One of the more important is the portrayal of Scott Fitzgerald, and amusingly truthful one, softened by affection for the man and respect for his genius. The motor-trip he and Hemingway make from Lyon to Paris will surely take its places as one of the great comic journeys of literature.
One can only suggest the experiences awaiting the reader of this book in which a master of literature in full command of every technique of his art relives these bright chapters of his youth."

I am so happy to be able to say I have read a couple of his books and one from the view of his first wife. It really opens my eyes to him and his writing skill. I respect him as a writer; however I am not fond of the two I have read. Even with that being said... Everyone should be able to say they have read at least one of Hemingway's books.

'jus sayin'

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